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Is Your Homeowners Insurance Policy Providing Adequate Coverage

Today, the average family can expect to pay at least $1,000 in annual homeowners insurance premiums. Rising prices of building materials and the added cost of getting coverage for excluded items under primary polices have both contributed to this trend. Still, many homeowners may not have an insurance policy that meets their expected coverage in case of a loss to their home. .
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You May Be Eligible For a Health Insurance Rebate Check

About 12.8 million insured Americans will receive a health care rebate check of $151 per family by August 1, 2012. The rebate is in response to the Affordable Care Act's 80/20 rule in which insurance companies must use at least 80% of the premium for medical care and quality improvement. Find out if you're eligible for the rebate. .
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Should Soon To Be Retirees Buy Longevity Insurance?

The financial planning most baby boomers did 5 to 10 years ago no longer makes sense today since the average 65 year old can expect to live to almost 85 vs. a life expectancy of 78.5 in 2007 (CDC Aug '10). And, for those that aren't at retirement yet, you're not off the hook. The 65 year old plus population is expected to grow from 40M today to 71M or 20% of the population in 2030 (US Census Bureau June '09). Given the uncertainty in the markets and the increasing life expectancy, how can seniors better protect their retirement funds? There may be one product that could be helpful but it does come with risks. .
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Adult children under the age of 27, who don’t have their own health insurance, can stay on their parents plan even after college. But, is this the cheapest option for families? Read More.

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A Technology Device to Lower Your Auto Insurance Rate

A new option is now available as Progressive and others have launched pay as you drive insurance programs. Find out if this program is right for you. Read More.

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You May Be Covered Even If You Try To Cash a Bad Check

Have you ever gotten a bad check from someone and were charged by your bank along with not getting the money? If so, you may be covered and not even know it. Read More.

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Protecting Your Phone Against Identity Theft

According to a new study conducted by Lookout, a global leader in mobile security, lost phones cost consumers $30 billion annually ($250 or more per phone) which translates to one lost phone every 3.5 seconds. Given this data, how can you protect your phone? Read More.

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Most of us have insurance coverage for our homes and automobiles. However, those policies often have gaps in coverage that can leave us vulnerable. Umbrella liability insurance can fill those holes and should seriously be considered. .
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If you can’t afford to pay the full price for dental care, your age and financial situation can help determine the kind of free or low-cost dental care you can obtain. Read More.

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Are You Reviewing Your Medical Bills For Overages?

According to the Medical Billing Advocates of America group, 9 out of 10 medical bills provided by doctors and hospitals contain errors. Are you checking all of the charges and do you know what to look for on the bill? .
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