Explore the 1,000’s of tax questions answered by professionals.

One of our clients purchased a home in North Carolina for investment, and have used it as a second home. .... ... read on

I formed an single person LLC (taxed as S-Corp) last August and due to bad advice, failed to run payroll .... ... read on

Taxpayers bought a tax franchise and set up an S-Corp which used the accrual method of accounting. The IRS held .... ... read on

I have expenses associated with a plan to remodel a rental property, but we have decided not to proceed with .... ... read on

I have a home bakery business. I installed a new $3,000 range and remodeled my kitchen to accommodate it. My .... ... read on

I took a personal loan which was years ago to finance the business. I have made interest payments personally. The .... ... read on

A taxpayer has a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship (JTWROS) with her mother (who is alive) for a brokerage .... ... read on

If a partnership invested in another partnership that invested in Section 1202 Qualified Small Business Stock, can the partnership claim .... ... read on

If we had a vehicle that was depreciated over the last few years under the straight-line MACRS method with the .... ... read on

Can a client convert non-deductible traditional IRA contributions into a Roth IRA without tax consequences if they also have a .... ... read on
