Advantages of The BIDaWIZ Process

The BIDaWIZ process was carefully designed in response to real world experience:

We began formulating the BIDaWIZ process in 2007 in order to improve upon the traditional, face-to-face experience of obtaining professional tax and accounting advice. Our goal in designing the BIDaWIZ process was to create an experience that was less time-consuming, less disruptive to consumers’ daily schedule and far more affordable.

We perfected the BIDaWIZ process over the course of thousands of real-life trials, learning what works and what doesn’t. We’re confident that the BIDaWIZ process now provides an experience that meets all of our original goals.

Our hard work has paid off. We believe BIDaWIZ is the premiere online marketplace for reliable and affordable tax and accounting advice and to date, the only site of its’ kind staffed entirely by licensed business professionals.

The traditional, face-to-face process works like this:

  1. The customer meets with a professional and explains their needs
  2. The professional assesses the customer’s needs, and may or may not set an hourly rate and delivery time frame.
  3. The customer meets with other professionals to compare pricing and delivery time alternatives.
  4. The customer reviews all of the potential service providers’ credentials and may also seek feedback from other customers.
  5. After the customer completes their review process, they hire a professional.
  6. The customer may visit the professional in-person a number of times during the course of service to hold discussions
  7. The professional hopefully completes their work within the agreed upon delivery time and the customer is presented a bill for services. If the professional has not clearly set out hourly rates or fee structures, or the project has run beyond estimated delivery times, the bill may be significantly higher than the customer expected.
  8. The customer remits payment to the professional and may or may not be happy with the experience. Having no alternative, the customer resigns themselves to this process in the future.

The advantages of the BIDaWIZ process

BIDaWIZ improves on the traditional, face-to-face process in ways that no offline provider can.
When you use BIDaWIZ:

  1. Experts provide bids upfront, so you know what your costs will be.
  2. Experts provide delivery time frames upfront, so you know how long it will take to receive an answer.
  3. You have access to simple, immediate, fingertip access to Experts’ credentials and customer reviews, so you can easily compare Experts and choose those who best meet your needs.
  4. You have access to the BIDaWIZ customer service staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no additional cost.
  5. You avoid wasting travel time or making time in your busy schedule in order to get quality, timely advice.
  6. BIDaWIZ Experts competitively bid on your business, meaning that market forces guarantee you’ll never overpay.
  7. Experts’ fees are determined at the outset, meaning Experts have no conflict of interest to “up sell” you on additional work during the course of the engagement.
  8. You have BIDaWIZ’s guarantee that every Expert has completed our rigorous background verification process and meets our demanding standards of service.

Bottom line: BIDaWIZ provides a superior way to obtain thorough, thoughtful, helpful answers to your questions at a predictable, affordable price.

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