Trusted Answers From Licensed Business Professionals
If you are in search or have identified a small business that you would like to acquire, there are suggested best practices to follow. In addition, it's important to note that while the current owner will want to have peace of mind that the business they put their blood, sweat and tears into doesn't become a 'going concern' a year after the sale, price will usually dictate the sale. So, how to does one go about approaching a small business as a potential acquisition target? .
Most business owners that plan to sell their company are asked by the buyer to include a non-compete clause in the legal agreement. This can have significant tax implications to both the seller and the buyer. .
This is a very important process and one that involves a significant amount of analysis as you want to recognize the full value of your portion of the company. .
This is definitely a very important question & one that involves a significant amount of research as you want to recognize the full value of the property. Before reaching a specific sale price you need to gain a strong understanding of the market. More specifically, the sale prices of similar properties as well as a keen understanding of the value of the differences of your property vs. those similar properties. .