When tax time rolls around, one of the biggest concerns for many taxpayers is how to avoid an IRS audit. Read More.
The most prominent was the debate over the payroll tax cut. It took weeks of dickering, but Congress finally approved extending the tax cut – but only for two months. That means we’re likely to either see another round of brinksmanship before the cuts are extended again, or payroll taxes will rise. Read More.
We’ve reviewed the most viewed tax and financial articles of 2011. Find out what you missed this past year. Read More.
Federal lawmakers finally reached a compromise or at least for the next two months on the payroll tax cut extension. While the average taxpayer will keep an extra $83 in their pockets, employers may have been dealt a major blow. Read More.
Individual year-end tax strategies should account for the breaks that are set to expire come January 2012. Mainly, accelerate the deductions associated with these breaks to get the full benefit of them before it’s gone in 2012. Find out which tax breaks are set to expire and how to prepare. Read More.
There are two weeks left to act on any investment decisions to limit your capital gains tax exposure. The first step is to review your investment portfolio to determine if selling some losers before year end will offset capital gains you have already realized. Let’s also not forget to consider actual and expected income in this decision. Read More.