When tax time rolls around, one of the biggest concerns for many taxpayers is how to avoid an IRS audit. Read More.
Just when you thought your tax return was correctly signed, sealed and delivered, the IRS just informed the public that 100,000 tax preparers did not include a correct Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). As part of the IRS’s initiative to increase its oversight over the tax preparation industry, tax preparers are now required to obtain a PTIN and include it with their signatures on the tax returns that they prepare. You might be asking yourself, “How do I know if my tax preparer included what they were suppose to when the tax return was prepared.” Read More.
In fact, the IRS can make mistakes too as indicated in a recently released report (11/10/10) by the GAO (US Government Accountability Office). The IRS’s internal control and financial management systems showed serious deficiencies in 2009 and 2010. Specifically, the IRS did not release tax liens in a timely fashion, had control issues with tax refund disbursements and had control issues over unpaid tax assessments & information security. Read More.