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The most prominent was the debate over the payroll tax cut. It took weeks of dickering, but Congress finally approved extending the tax cut – but only for two months. That means we’re likely to either see another round of brinksmanship before the cuts are extended again, or payroll taxes will rise. Read More.

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How Will the Proposed Real-Time Tax System Impact You?

All indications are that the IRS will continue to seriously consider implementing a real-time tax system for individual tax return filings. Despite the benefits, there are several pitfalls with this proposed plan. .
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The Tax Impact for a Natural Disaster

The eastern seaboard was dealt a heavy blow this past week when Hurricane Irene caused unprecedented flooding, fallen trees, and significant power outages. While some of us were left unscathed, many others experienced significant damage to their property. On top of that, they now have to start the process of filing insurance claims and figuring out the complex tax rules for reporting property losses on their tax return. Even if you weren't impacted, it's important to understand the tax rules as the number of declared natural disaster areas are on the rise. .
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Just when you thought your tax return was correctly signed, sealed and delivered, the IRS just informed the public that 100,000 tax preparers did not include a correct Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). As part of the IRS’s initiative to increase its oversight over the tax preparation industry, tax preparers are now required to obtain a PTIN and include it with their signatures on the tax returns that they prepare. You might be asking yourself, “How do I know if my tax preparer included what they were suppose to when the tax return was prepared.” Read More.

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There are only 2 weeks left until personal income tax returns are due on April 18th. As you might expect, many last minute taxpayers are finalizing theirs plans on how to prepare their return. While hiring a CPA or Enrolled Agent (EA) is typically the easiest and least risky way to file, it may not be the most economical. Instead, many taxpayers are likely seriously considering using an online tax software program (i.e. TurboTax or H&R Block Online) because they seem to be quick, easy and cheap or at least the commercials make it seem so. We decided to take a deeper look at the online tax software programs and see how they compare to using a CPA or Enrolled Agent. Read More.

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I Forgot To Report Income On My Tax Return. What Should I Do?

Once you discover an error on your tax return, you need to correct it, even if that means ultimately having to pay more tax. Mostly likely you'll need to file amended federal and state tax returns, but there’s a slight chance you won't need to file an amended return. .
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Tax advice For Summer Jobs

The hot summer days of college students mowing lawns, caddying on golf courses, washing cars & helping out at their dad’s friend’s law office are almost here. That means earning some dough to put towards savings, beer money & anything else a college student desires. Unfortunately, the summer comes and goes & the income that was earned is often forgotten until tax season arrives. Let’s avoid the procrastination & tackle some of the tricky tax questions that arise when dealing with summer jobs. Read More.

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File a Tax Extension rather than Amend a Return

It may seem strange why some taxpayers file tax extensions even though the IRS still requires them to pay their tax liability on April 15th. You would think that if you have to pay taxes on April 15th anyway, then why not file your tax return now as well? You may be surprised in what you read below but filing a tax extension can actually make a lot of sense. .
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Paying Your Taxes With a Credit Card

If you are considering paying your taxes with a credit card because you don’t have the money, then think again. If you have the money but are paying because of convenience then that is okay as long as you are aware of the fees and interest that can add up. Read More.

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What Is The Best Way To File Taxes?

As with most tax topics, the answer depends on the situation and requires a discussion with your spouse or business partner. We know this topic can get contentious at times so be sure to discuss all of the benefits and drawbacks of each option. Also, make sure the focus is not completely on which method is cheaper or what method you used last year. The financial positions of individuals and businesses change each year so the method you use to file your taxes should also be re-evaluated. .
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