Congress and the President still have time to act to prevent tax increases across the board in 2013. Still, the consensus suggests that at least some tax breaks will be reduced or eliminated in 2013 and many will likely pay higher taxes. The tax foundation recently performed an analysis by state to identify how families earning median incomes will fare with a seemingly new tax landscape in 2013. Are you living in state that’s likely to experience a steep tax increase? Read More.
This is what we would call a “status quo” re-election in that many of the tax and health care events that were scheduled to go into effect likely will with Obama’s recent victory. Of course, there will be some compromise with a split Congress, but small businesses can expect many of the tax and health care changes to go into effect in 2013. What does this specifically mean for small business tax and health care planning? Read More.
If you purchase your home before year end, you are eligible for a few tax breaks which will offset your taxable income. In addition, you’ll be able to apply several tax breaks to your 2013 tax return when tax rates are scheduled to rise given President Obama’s recent victory. Find out the tax benefits for purchasing a home now. Read More.