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Trusted Answers From Licensed Business Professionals

Should I Be Interested in Online Banks For Their Savings Rates?

Online banks typically offer higher rates than their brick and mortar counterparts. In this low interest rate environment, savers have been hit hard by earning close to no interest income. In fact, if you compare the real rate of inflation to the interest rates offered by most banks, savers are likely losing money. So, should you open an account with one of the online banks? .
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The Rising Cost of Raising Children

Children provide parents with some of the greatest joys in life. Unfortunately, many parents underestimate the financial costs of raising children which are on the rise like everything else these days (i.e. college tuition). Let’s find out how much we can expect to pay in child related costs over the years. Read More.

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Should Retirees Take a Lump Sum Pension Payment?

Many companies are providing their retired employees with the option of receiving a lump sum pension payment as opposed to monthly checks. There are arguments supporting both options. .
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Should I Close My Old Credit Cards?

Over the years, you may have accumulated several credit cards ranging from traditional ones to those issued by gasoline companies and department stores. Some of those cards may hardly be used since you only opened those accounts for the original discounts. Now, you are thinking about closing the accounts for a few cards. Before you do this, act with caution. Read More.

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The Substantial Rise In Employee Discrimination Claims

Over the past five years, there has been a 32% increase in the number of individual discrimination claims filed by employees. Businesses of all sizes need to be aware of this trend and how to prevent issues as well as reduce their employment practices liability (EPL) costs. .
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Discussing Estate Planning And Wills With Your Parents

Baby boomers and those from Generation X likely have parents that are reaching the later stages of their lives. One of the more important conversations that sometimes doesn't happen until after the fact, relates to the distribution of a parent's estate and assets when they are no longer around. There are certain ways to start this sensitive conversation and key areas to discuss. .
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Will We Owe Taxes For Selling Our Home Before We Are Divorced?

No one likes going through the financial details of a divorce, but, it's necessary. Fortunately, the process of determining your tax liability for selling your home should be straight forward. But, soon to be divorcees need to meet certain requirements to claim the capital gains tax exclusion. .
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Should I Open a Prepaid Tuition Plan or 529 Plan?

Saving for college can feel like a daunting task these days with rising tuition costs and outstanding student debt now exceeding one trillion dollars. The average student is now holding at least $25,000 of debt which makes proper planning all the more important now. How can you prepare better for rising tuition costs? .
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Are You Considering a Prepaid Cellphone Plan?

Prepaid cellphone plans are gaining momentum with some major carriers like Sprint expected to release a package with the iPhone by the end of the month. Still, should you be exploring prepaid cellphone plans? Read More.

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We've all heard of 401(k) plans offered by employers to help their employees plan for retirement. Rarely, do we hear about 403(b) plans which are commonly offered to public school employees and 501(c) organizations (i.e. hospital workers, church associations, and local government groups). Teachers need to be very cautious in relying solely on those plans for retirement. .
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