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CPA-Certified Public Accountant-20+ years experience in tax, accounting and small business. CGMA-Chartered Global Management Accountant

Professional Licenses
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Texas State License Chartered Global Management Accountant

29 Years of Work Experience


University of Mississippi - Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accountancy

Question answered by Wray

If I liquidate my 401k (I am 45) in March 2010, is the tax due for 2009 or 2010 taxes? Since contributions can... read on

I printed W-2 Forms for my employees on QuickBooks. Is this acceptable for the IRS?... read on

At what income level do I need to worry about Alternative Minimum tax?... read on

What is the current capital gains tax on the sale of land?... read on

How much does one have to pay in capital gains tax for investments held over 10 years?... read on

I forgot to deduct a charitable contribution of two motor vehicles in 2008. I couldn't find the paperwork at tax time but... read on

I am a commissioned salesman with a book of business that I own. When I sell that book to retire can I take... read on

We have an S-Corporation. The company pays for health insurance. Is it ok for the company to also reimburse copays or deductibles... read on

My employer just informed me that they reported my wages incorrectly in 2008. They are willing to make the correction but Im uncomfortable... read on

I received a 1099-MISC for employment performed abroad and I'm also not a US citizen even though I live there for most of... read on

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