CPA-Certified Public Accountant-20+ years experience in tax, accounting and small business.
CGMA-Chartered Global Management Accountant
Professional Licenses
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Texas State License
Chartered Global Management Accountant
29 Years of Work Experience
University of Mississippi - Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accountancy
If I liquidate my 401k (I am 45) in March 2010, is the tax due for 2009 or 2010 taxes? Since contributions can... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
I printed W-2 Forms for my employees on QuickBooks. Is this acceptable for the IRS?... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
At what income level do I need to worry about Alternative Minimum tax?... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
What is the current capital gains tax on the sale of land?... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
How much does one have to pay in capital gains tax for investments held over 10 years?... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
I forgot to deduct a charitable contribution of two motor vehicles in 2008. I couldn't find the paperwork at tax time but... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
I am a commissioned salesman with a book of business that I own. When I sell that book to retire can I take... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
We have an S-Corporation. The company pays for health insurance. Is it ok for the company to also reimburse copays or deductibles... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
My employer just informed me that they reported my wages incorrectly in 2008. They are willing to make the correction but Im uncomfortable... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
I received a 1099-MISC for employment performed abroad and I'm also not a US citizen even though I live there for most of... read on
- Answered byWray Rives
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